I Love You So | In Memory of Warren Pop

I love you so

in memory of warren pop

I Love You So is the fifth release from my upcoming album Journey To Freedom. This song is written by yours truly and it’s one of my most personal songs.

I Love You So was released on February 4th, 2019.

I released I Love You So in memory of my best friend who passed away last year on February 4th, 2018. Unfortunately, losing someone is never easy. Especially if that someone was very close to you and very young…

When I released my song, I had no clue that it was going to grab so much attention! But since it did, I want to put it to good use and talk about the things that truly matter.

Life is not easy. We face new obstacles everyday, and sometimes we might stumble and get hurt too. It’s important that we never give up on ourselves and if we need help, we should ask for it. There is nothing to be ashamed of. 

Don’t Suffer In Silence

We all have issues to deal with and if someone laughs at you because of your issues, then shame on them! It’s time that we break this taboo surrounding mental health.

Depression and other mental illnesses might be invisible to the eye, but that does not mean that they aren’t there. It might not be easy accepting that you need to seek special care. It’s even more difficult asking for a helping hand, especially when we’re at our lowest.

If you need to talk or chat with someone, you can go on Kellimni.com

They have different contact options and they are available 24/7! Also, this service is totally free and you can chat with them anonymously.

You can click here to check out the lyrics

You can also check out some of the interviews I did after releasing my song below!

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