10 Motivational Quotes To Keep You Positive

10 motivational quotes to keep you positive

Now that spring has finally kicked in, the days are longer and much sunnier – which definitely helps with boosting my mood and productivity. For me personally, although I love winter, I dread the short and dark days it brings along with it.

Something I’ve always loved doing when I’m feeling a bit low or not as motivated is reading short motivational quotes. I tend to scribble my favourite ones on my notepad, I guess for some this may sound weird, but little things like this help me divert my thoughts into a more positive path. Here are 10 motivational quotes to keep you positive:

"You're So Busy
Doubting Yourself
While So Many Others
Are Intimidated By
Your Potential."

"Growth is painful.
Change is painful.
But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong."

"Never let your fear
Decide your fate"

"Step by step.
Day by day."

"If you get tired,
learn to rest
not quit"

(N.) A lover of beauty;
someone who finds and
appreciates beauty in all things."


"Yesterday is heavy.
Put it down."

"Today is your
to build the
you want"

"You feel unsettled
because you know
you are meant
for more."

Which one from the above is your favorite quote? Is there a saying that you live by? Let us know in the comments section below!

If you enjoyed reading this post, consider reading an older post I published a while ago 20 Inspirational Quotes. Feel free to visit my Pinterest board dedicated solely to similar quotes.

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