Malta Fashion Week 2019 | Launch Party

Malta Fashion Week 2019

Launch Party

Hey everyone! I wasn’t completely sure whether I was gonna post about this event or not, but I think it would be foolish of me not to share this wonderful experience with all of you!

A few weeks ago I got invited to the Malta Fashion Week Private Launch Party, and I was ecstatic!

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Many artists and influencers attend this kind of things, so I’ve been wanting to attend something like this for a very long time… And I finally did!

The party started at about 8pm and it was held at MedAsia Playa in Sliema.

About My Outfit

Since this was my very first time attending, I wanted to make sure that I wore something that’s eye-catching.

I wore a sexy black sheer top, a black jeans which I bought from ZARA, and I topped it off with a glamorous metallic blazer that I bought from Bershka. To finish the look, I wore a metal belt which I found in my mum’s wardrobe.

Just because I love being over the top, I decided to dye my hair Turquoise. 

As soon as I walked in, I immediately started noticing some of the most known Maltese influencers, artists, designers, etc… like; Sarah Zerafa, Ritienne Żammit, Gaia Cauchi and many others.

To be completely honest, I thought that being around people that I look up to was gonna make me feel anxious through-out the night, but I’ve never felt more at home!

Putting Friday’s private launch party aside, I’ve also been given a Photographer Pass. This means that I can go to all of this year’s events and runway shows to take photos as well. I am mostly excited to see Dancing In Portugal — a show by the genius Jason Grech.

After the 31st of May, I will be making another post about the runway shows with some of my best shots, etc…

P.S. If you haven’t heard my debut album Journey To Freedom yet, you can do so by clicking here! Also, scroll down to see some photos from the Malta Fashion Week Launch Party.

With love,
Jasmar Cassar.

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